Hypermobility Forum for people with Marfan, EDS: prolotherapy
- Does anyone know these doctors? 02/24 02:58pm
- Greg, I'd love more info 02/09 10:21pm
- Want more info 01/30 05:14pm
- Doctors with Hypermobility 01/05 11:36am
- Any comments on Dr Dhillon? 12/29 08:01am
- Pregnancy after prolotherapy in San Diego 01/20 05:02pm
- Lower back, SI joint and pubic bone 07/29 07:46am
- Our body only can produce faculty collagen after injections? 09/07 11:06am
- New to prolotherapy 09/10 09:18am
- Prolo therapy on SI Joint 02/10 06:28am
- Prolotherapy doctors with an anesthetist background ? 04/04 01:30pm
- Any experiences with Dr. Hauser? 04/08 02:21pm
- Discosan/Prolozone 09/10 09:23am
- Prolotherapy and foot pain 02/20 10:56pm
- DIAGNOSIS: Ligament Rupture--Help 11/24 12:05pm
- Dr Koop's prolo endorsement 10/13 03:30pm
- Pain Management Clinics and Prolotherapy? 10/28 06:08am
- A Prolo Success Story - Costochondritis 10/28 05:49am
- My prolo thoughts and experience 04/02 12:30am
- "Hitting the Spot"--Bruises? 09/28 07:58pm
- Non irritating solutions 08/14 09:09am
- Dr. Reeves or Dr. Hauser? 08/24 08:19am
- Beware 08/18 02:37pm
- Greg/Rich 08/01 07:26am
- My prolo hell 09/10 09:32am
- My prolo hell 07/28 11:26am
- Greg 07/17 09:14am
- Sodium Morruate is Bad 07/07 12:36pm
- Greg 11/10 11:12am
- Silvia/Greg 07/08 05:57am
- Mr g 08/08 01:41pm
- Greg 06/02 12:07pm
- Greg 06/02 12:27pm
- A Question of Trust 03/02 06:07pm
- Anybody, help 02/17 08:47am
- Greg I have a question 03/12 07:41am
- Anybody knows a good prolo doctor in texas (dfw area)? 01/02 10:25am
- Eppie, I responded to your post. 11/13 12:15pm
- Prolotherapy (From Eppie) 11/16 03:11pm
- 6 treatments, no real progress. Am I finished???? 09/28 05:12pm
- Is feeling pain a good sign ? 09/16 08:16pm
- TAILBONE PAIN 09/02 11:42pm
- TAILBONE PAIN 08/29 08:46pm
- SI and groin pain after Prolo 06/25 06:11pm
- Have any of you considered this ? 05/19 06:04pm
- Karin he.lp 06/04 08:11pm
- PARK help, should i inject all areas? 04/04 02:52pm
- Zack, and all who want to share... 03/28 09:47am
- Lets keep this forum going 03/22 04:45pm
- I Screwed Up my Prolotherapy
03/27 04:09pm
- PARK, - I have a question... 01/30 08:57am
- First Prolo Treatment Yesterday, How Do I Know if it is Working? 03/06 02:54pm
- Blown Out Joints !? 08/11 07:51pm
- Prolo Starts Next Week, Found Out I Need Hernia Surgery 03/01 01:35pm
- Waiting for results 02/28 12:55pm
- Any Other Prolotherapy Forum Resources? 02/26 01:43pm
- Doctor refuses to tell me what solution he uses 03/05 03:00pm
- Robinson Family Clinic in Florida anyone??? 02/12 03:24pm
- Prolo in Florida??? 02/19 06:53am
- Park, should I... 02/11 01:54pm
- Mixed Solutions ? 02/04 09:06am
- Silvia, Here's info about the self-bracing position 02/04 09:15am
- Silvia, read my post under 4 treatments-Sam 02/01 05:59am
- Prolotherapy and SIJ ligaments to be treated 02/01 05:33am
- Prolotherapy with or without anesthesia? 09/30 08:46pm
- 4 treatments and no relief 09/16 06:07pm
- SI Joint 01/08 05:26am
- Prolo and HMS/ EDS? 01/07 08:44am
- Mark T Wheaton ? 11/24 07:57pm
- Prolotherapy for Posterior Dysfunction 01/04 10:16am
- Finished one visit but still need some opinions... 01/04 05:11am
- Prolo and severe SI dysfunction 01/06 06:34pm
- Advice needed by all... 12/23 07:30pm
- Prolotherapy experience 12/13 07:12pm
- Faber and his accelerated progam 12/11 02:41pm
- Park Griffin, Website is working again 12/28 06:19am
- PT and Prolo with Dr. Radbill 12/11 05:40pm
- Why they charge so much ? 10/23 02:09pm
- Prolotherapy for TMJ 09/20 04:33pm
- Prolotherapy works 08/28 06:53pm
- Faber , what happened next , why i cannot leave the US, and a small miracle 08/20 09:52pm
- How do you know if you have lax ligaments? 07/20 05:22pm
- Prolotherapy - Doctor Recommendation Requested? 06/08 09:56am
- Prolotherapy and insurance 10/15 07:10am
- Can Prolotherpay fix slap lesions ? .... 06/16 01:41pm
- I don't know what to do 06/15 10:41am
- My 9 sessions with Dr Faber 05/10 09:05am
- Prolotherapy and kids 04/25 10:09am
- Will Prolo work for someone with stomach / intenstine problems ? 04/02 07:36pm
- Hypoallergenic formulas ? 04/06 05:19am
- A Proposal To All UK residents 03/16 09:50am
- The Dangers of Prolotherpay 08/24 09:04pm
- Should I trust my prolo doctors? 03/02 10:02am
- Help!!!Stubborn 13 year old Should Have Listented to Mother 03/10 02:03am
- Prolotherapy/back care on the West Coast 07/15 01:41pm
- Carole, Please Help! What do you think about Dr. Morris Ray? 01/11 03:51pm
- Prolotherapy Solutions (proliferant) 04/11 11:30am
- Joint replacement 10/04 11:38am
- Prolotherapy 10/23 04:34am
- Relief from hypermobility syndrome 12/16 10:42am
- Prolo in Canada (Toronto) 02/05 05:31am
- Pain after Prolotherapy 09/17 10:37pm
- Low Back Pain 10/04 04:30pm
- Overstreched iliotibial band 08/25 06:18am
- Hypermobile sacroiliac joints and sacroiliac dysfunction 12/09 03:20pm
- Dr. Faber in Milwaukee 08/07 05:20pm
- Seeking highly competent prolotherapist 03/23 10:54am
- Prolotherapy is being performed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center! 06/27 04:47am
- I found a site with some good prolotherapy and other interesting links 06/23 07:10am
- Dr. Hauser in Oak Park 08/01 09:33am
- Proper Prolotherapy Procedures 08/07 12:32pm
- New prolo link to replace old board 06/13 12:34am
- Dr Magaziner for Prolo in NJ? 07/01 08:06am
- Eppie, can you share your prolotherapy experience with me? 07/21 09:04pm
- prolotherapy discussion forum 09/29 05:02pm
- Anyone heard of Dr. Joan Resk in VA? 10/09 12:24pm
- 2 Prolotherapy questions 03/11 10:47pm
- What IS prolotherapy, and how does it work????? 09/11 01:58pm
- Studies on prolo? 03/11 07:49am
- Prolotherapy bad? 08/08 09:34pm
- Anyone have prolo for Thoracic/Rib heads? 06/03 12:51pm
- What IS prolotherapy? 06/02 01:19pm
- Prolotherapy in the UK 02/20 08:31am
- Prolotherapy and electric muscle stimulators 06/02 01:16pm
- Pregnancy after prolotherapy 06/02 01:01pm
- Brand new diagnosis 06/02 12:57pm
- Eppie, can you share your prolotherapy experience with me? 06/02 12:45pm
- Prolotherapy and problems in de SI joint 02/10 06:31am
- Prolo for shoulders 06/02 12:23pm
- Prolotherapy 09/18 01:43pm
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