Hypermobility Forum

We hope you enjoy our discussion board, which is easy to access. Please look at the links on the left screen. You can also search, select messages from last week, or even newest since the previous time you entered the board etc etc.

If you have questions, just click on the contact link.

I wish you all a healthy 2005

TREATMENTS December 27 - 08:37 pm

Pain medications November 11 - 07:34 am

Alternative therapies March 20 - 05:52 pm

prolotherapy February 24 - 02:58 pm

acupuncture November 11 - 07:35 am

nutritional supplements and diet February 14 - 05:43 pm

Surgery November 11 - 07:35 am

Bracing November 11 - 07:36 am

SYMPTOMS February 20 - 12:54 pm

Pain February 17 - 02:44 pm

Dislocations and subluxations March 03 - 12:39 pm

Vision November 11 - 07:37 am

Dental November 11 - 07:37 am

Hypotonia (low muscle tone) November 11 - 07:37 am

Orthostatic hypotension and Intolerance November 11 - 07:37 am

SOCIAL AND DAILY LIVING November 11 - 07:38 am

Accessibility November 11 - 07:38 am

Depression November 11 - 07:38 am

Dealing with friends and family February 25 - 10:12 am

Dealing with doctors November 11 - 07:38 am

Dealing with employers November 11 - 07:39 am

Social security disability November 11 - 07:39 am

ASSISTIVE DEVICES November 16 - 04:24 am

Wheelchairs November 11 - 07:39 am

Computers December 29 - 06:39 pm

Assistive hand tools November 11 - 07:40 am

RELATED CONDITIONS December 29 - 12:59 pm

Arthritis November 11 - 07:40 am

Marfans January 03 - 03:37 pm

OI November 11 - 07:41 am

Stickler's syndrome November 11 - 07:41 am

Fibromyalgia November 11 - 07:42 am

Chronic Fatique Syndrome November 11 - 07:42 am

EDS November 11 - 07:42 am

OTHER ISSUES December 02 - 10:53 am

Exercise November 11 - 07:43 am

We try to maintain a high quality. Please feel free to post messages to the board or reply to other previously posted messages.

If you see inappropriate messages, please send us an e-mail