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I just wanted to warn people. I went to Dr. Hauser and he treated me with dextrose for over a year. By the time I found this website and found out there were stronger solutions I was sick from so many treatments without any progress.
I kept telling him I was not making any progress and he told me to buy magnets which cost me $300 and added magnesium. He should have tried the sodium m on me.
I am giving up on prolo because the nerve pain is so bad. I am going to try botox. I do not know if things would have turned out with a different doctor but I will never know.
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Hi, Margaret. My pain M.D. has tried prolo injections cautiously (he is NOT a prolotherapist but an orthodox pain specialist). He injected me six times in SI/sacral area with .25% dextrose and .25% marcaine and I noticed significant improvement. The first time he did only three injections with .125% dextrose, which did nothing. Fortunately, the good doctor did these injections gratis, as part of my monthly office visit. I'll continue them and see how I progress before going to a professional prolotherapist. I was considering Hauser but his site sounds rather boosterist and his discussion forum had a lot of failure stories before he decommissioned it.
What strength solution did he use on you?
I'm considering going to a Dr. Reeves in Kansas City who goes to phenol and other solutions when dextrose fails (he's published scientific articles, some of which are on the Internet).
Let me know more about Hauser because I am seriously considering him as an option because I live in Illinois.
J. Bean jonbean@siu.edu
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Dear J. Bean,
I went to Dr. Hauser 12 times. The first visit was a consultation which he did not examine me. He was walking out of the room when I was still asking questions. This should have been my first clue to interview someone else. I talked to many references and they said he helped them so I still went to him. He injected me 11 times with dextrose with no relief and never examined me. He never mentioned that there were other solutions, not even once and I did not know. Dextrose was never going to get me better. He has many assistants that come in and see how you are doing so you do not communicate with him directly until he gives you the shot. I now know more about prolo than any of his assistants. This could be a big part of the problem. I spoke with another doctor and he said he changes solutions or where he is injecting if you do not get relief after 3-4 times. So I wasted a year and went through alot of pain for nothing. I was trying to find someone that does them under fluroscopy and found someone in Canton,Ohio that does. Someone also said go to someone that does more than just prolo. You might need other treatment and not every joint should be treated with prolo.
Right now I am back on all my pain medications and believe a couple of my joints are more inflammed than when I started. My biggest problem is the nerve pain.
Also, there is someone that said phenol can cause permanent nerve injuries on the website. I would be careful about using that. There is someone in Florida that uses calcium or sodium morruate with alcohol. I do not understand this, however, he says that he does not use irritants because they will eventually make people sick. This I believe to be true.
I believe it is the skill of the person injecting you to find the loose ligaments, the solution and the number of times you repeat it. He does not spend enough time with you. A couple of times he injected the base of my neck when my injury is below my neck. He should be writing down where he injects every time. Forget 4-6 visits. I have not found anyone that got better with only 4-6 visits. Also, Dr. Hauser's book is clearly an infomercial. He claims people get rid of nerve pain with only one shot. I believe the book is very misleading as to how painful the treatment actually is. Especially if it does not work.
One person said they ended up with gastritis from Hauser's injections. I definitely ended up with more inflammation because the dextrose did not stabilize anything.
Could you let me know what marcaine is? If the dextrose does work for you it is less harsh than the other solutions so I would stick to that.
Good luck
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Marcaine is like lidocaine, but longer-lasting (6 hours, I think).