Women question

Hypermobility Forum for people with Marfan, EDS: EDS: Women question
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Nicole on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 08:17 pm:

hi, i know this has been asked and discussed before, and i apologize for that, i read about it already, but people dont always check older postings, so i am posting a new one... ok, I have HMS and EDS III. This is a question about periods. its been discussed before, about horrible cramps and things, i get pretty bad cramps, but not nearly so bad as what i have read others get, usualy a persistent pain, like a terrible stomach ache almost, and then sharp sometimes. I also have extremely heavy periods, that i thought i was anemic once they were so bad. I am a teen, so have only had my period for a few years. When i first got it, it was extremely regular, and extremely heavy. Now, its not regular, bleed for 7-9 days inbetween 3-5 week periods or so. to be honest, i am not very good at keeping track. Its heavy from the first day to the last, and very very long, so as i feel i am loosing alot of blood. what i usualy try for the cramps is a heating pad, but that doesnt work. i cant talke ibuprofin or any pain relievers such as midol because i cant mix them with my prescriptions i am on. medicine usualy doesnt even touch me anyway. are there any suggestions? just wondering. and i apologize again, because i know this topic has been discussed alot already.

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