Menstrual Pain and EDS

Hypermobility Forum for people with Marfan, EDS: EDS: Menstrual Pain and EDS
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Robyn on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 05:58 pm:

I have EDS type III/Hypermobility. I have horrible cramps with my period just about every month. The pain gets so intense at times that I literally throw up. I also
have heard that women with EDS tend to suffer more pain with their periods than the norm. One note... I did have lap surgery last summer and Endometriosis was
found and removed. I am aware that Endo can cause pain also. I was just curious if there is anyone out there who does not have Endo but still has had problems
with their period because of EDS? Your input would be much appreciated.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Johanna on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 05:59 pm:

HMS (so far)
Horrible cramps, tried all kinds of hormone-stuff from the doctor, none of it really helped. I also bleed very severe for one week, and a little for the rest of the month,
it never really stops. GP doesn't care much.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Pam on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 05:59 pm:

find a new GP

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Johanna on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 06:00 pm:

I intended to do that anyway.
He once suggested that a bump on my wrist which turned out to be a luxated bone was fluid and that I should hit it with a heavy book to spread the fluid. A good
thin I didn't.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Pam on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 06:00 pm:

Unbelievable! Where do these people come from? Being incompetent is one thing if it only hurts yourself, but when you're dealing with someone else's life and health
it's unforgivable.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Pam on Monday, June 05, 2000 - 06:00 pm:

EDS is still undiagnosed in my family, we've just received a diagnosis of HMS in my 15 year old daughter. However, the more I read the more I suspect EDS in
myself and both my daughters.

I can't really answer your question except that my older daughter (almost 17) and my sister have both experienced horrible menstrual cramps and vomiting such as
you describe. My sister also had endometriosis (spelling?). Let's keep each other posted as we get more info.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Claudia on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 09:47 pm:

Hello, I have type 3 EDS. I have horrible debilitating menstral cramps that usually only react to about 1600 mgs of ibuprofen and a hot bath. That is if I don't throw up and pass out first. I have had a few ultra sounds looking for cysts which came back negative. And I get cramping throughout the month. The only advice I can give you is lots of motrin. That's the only thing I have found to work. When I have the first symptoms of my period coming, I take one. My doctor doesn't see anything wrong with this approach as long as I don't exceed a certain dosage. Talk to your doctor about the right dosage for you. And I hope you find something that works for you.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Elle Elàn on Saturday, December 02, 2000 - 02:21 am:

I used to have my period very irregularly. When I did have them there was a lot of blood for at least two weeks and after that it took a long time before it really stopped at all. I tried series of hormonal pills to regulate it but they only worked temperarely. Then,in spite of being on the pill I got pregnant.Don't worry I love my little girl very much.Still I didn't want any repeat of this situation so since then I get the pill by injection once per three months.The good thing about that is that the periods have stopped.
No more cramps,backpains and emberacing situations .

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By estelle on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 06:16 am:

Hi!, i also have eds type 3,and an underactive thyroid, i have had awful menstral cramps and when passing urine or feaces during my period find it almost unbearable, also sitting down, eek! , well someone told me about bilberry supplement for tissue fragility, and low and behold a side effect of this was almost 100% relief of my menstral problems, i was amazed and a little sceptical, but 6 months down the line and im not getting those cramps anymore!
i am in the UK and found bilberry inthe health shop.
hope this helps,
Estelle xxx

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