By merit on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 12:36 pm: |
Seven years ago a doctor diagnosed me , with eds type III (HMS).
In the last year i have terrible pain in my left soulder . I've already shot a cortisone injection and a big quantity of antinflammatory pills , but nothing releaved my
pain .
In the last month I tried to help the whole situation through specific exercises ( elastic bands , kinisiotherapy ) . Is that ok?
The truth is that i had some positiv results like more stabilization in the joint but also too much pain , specially after the workout and during the night .
If somebody has any idea of exercises specialized in the soulder and elbow area that could help me without too much pain and dislocations i would like to share it .
By Jon on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 12:36 pm: |
Before any help regarding exercises for your shoulder the diagnosis must be known. Even though you have HMS the injured structure must be determined as theis
will dictate the exercise program needed. Once the pathology is determined then the correct exercises must be initially low impact and mid-range. slowly building up
to stronger, but ALWAYS mid-range, exercises. The problem unfortunately is that sometimes the type or extent of the injury can not always be treated
By Greg on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 12:36 pm: |
What you need to do is find exercises that specifically target your rotator cuff. Also, don't ever have a cortisone injection ever again, unless it's a disc problem in
your spine, because cortisone has been known to have some bad effects on us hypermobiles. The only shots you should ever get are prolotherapy shots. These shots
build up, not break down like the cortisone. Good luck !
By Gwen on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 12:37 pm: |
Yassou Filcos. You say you are taking a lot of anti-inflammatories. Are you sure you need these. HMS/EDS isn't usually an inflammatory condition except
immediately after an injury. Long term usage on anti-inflammatories can lead to all sorts of gastro-intestinal problems. I think you should check with your doctor
about continuing them, especially if they don't appear to be having any effect. All the best. Gwen