What to do? Pain...

Hypermobility Forum for people with Marfan, EDS: SYMPTOMS: What to do? Pain...
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Lollipop on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 12:28 am:

Hi, I have been told that I have joint laxity by many doctors. However they have never discussed about HMS to me probably they are not specialised in that field. I get joint pain very easily and I have them everyday. If I were to do sports, join camps (overnight)that has lots of activities...etc, I would be hurting very badly! And it takes a long time(days) for the pain to go down. Not long ago, I consulted an orthopaedic surgeon about pain that I have in my toes (bunion). The first one said he didn't wanna operate me at a young age. anyway, the 2nd ortho doc attributed the pain to the fact that I'm having the pain due to the laxity in my joints and a podiatrist also said so. However, they could do nothing to help me! Nothing! I also told the 2nd ortho doc abt my back aches and stuffs... he said my spine's fine and probably strained it or something. I can do the thumb thing, am flexible... i was once even told that i have marfans(tall n thin). but another doc say i don't as my heart's fine other than murmur, MR. I'm feeling kinda confused about how should i go seek for an answer. I hope you guys here can give me advise...etc.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Michelle Castle on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 - 09:18 pm:

Where do you live? Maybe someone can suggest a doctor. You might try pressing your primary physician for a refferral to see a rheumatologist, they are usually the ones who know the most about hypermobility-related disorders. More than anything else, just keep telling your doctors that you are in pain, and keep pressing them for a solution. If they tell you it's just growing pains or you're too young for different treatments, my suggestion is to ask how much older you have to be before they will take you seriously. That might get the point across.

Other than that, do everything you can to strengthen your muscles. Since your ligaments presumably don't hold your joints in place properly, you need your muscles to be strong so they can help stablize your joints. Start slow and work you way up. Alot of people with hypermobility-related disorders have found Pilates to be helpful. I'm had alot of success with my knee pain just by doing squats; unfortunately, my shoulders and hands haven't responded very well to exercise. Ask your doctor to send to a physical therapist, and if there is one in your area, ask to see one that is knoledgeable about hypermobility disorders.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By lollipop on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 08:50 am:

Hi Michelle, I have just seen a rheumatologist not long ago. She wants me to go to a podiatrist and physiotherapist. I have gone to a podiatrist(not the new one) before but that guy didn't help me much, so I stopped seeing him. I have most of the symptoms of marfans and when I was young, I have been told that I have it and then later that I don't have it. She said that I should save my money and not go seek for other alternative treatments or finding doctors as they will not help me... she said that I will have to just live with it. So my mom has decided that I don't go and see my chiro so often anymore as it ain't really helping also.

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