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On Sunday night while sitting in a lounge chair watching TV, I moved my right leg and BADLY subluxed my right hip, I had to slide straight down onto the floor because I couldn't sit up, stand etc. I managed
to very very slowly wiggle my way on my back to the bedroom and onto the bed (no mean feet with right hip hurting so bad, left knee in a ROM brace and awating seeing a new OS to findout what damage I have done (since injury In June)suspeced ligaments and meniscus damage and also possible fibrosis and adhesions too. and also a right shoulder injury (had it reconstructed August 2001). I say my GP on Monday and had x-rays on Tuesday (to make sure it had relocated correctly) which thankfully were clear (relocated correctly with no sign of bony damage). I am still in very bad pain , can't sit or stand for more than about 15 min's and also can walk only about 20m or so and then with pain. My GP says I have damaged the capsule around the hip and it could take a month or more to heal correctly and I have to be very very careful until then. My GP has doubled my MsContin to 30mg twice a day. and I was wondering if anyone can help me to heal quicker and
stop this from happeneing so bad again (I have had subluxations to my hips before, and no lasting pain etc except when I was 12 and then I caused severe damage to myself) I am also taking Zinc to help healing.
To make matters worse I have to fly to Sydney (about a 45 min to 1 hr flight) on Monday to see the new OS for my Knee and as I still today (friday) can't really sit or stand for very long, I am NOT looking forward to this, as even a seatbelt in the car hurts my hip and airline seat belts are even worse, not to mention getting out of the airport and to the doctors in Crows Nest. My hip is still clicking a lot when I move my leg or plant my leg and move my body in a rotation manner especially and I am really worried about subluxing it again or worse dislocating it fully.
Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and help accepted graciously.
Thanx all
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Hey bad luck with the hip. have you tried a TENS machine? I find it eases my pain enough to move about a little and with it been mobile you can wear it wherever. other than that the only thing I find that eases the pain a little is hot baths and hot compresses. As well as the Zic try vitamin C as that is supposed to speed up muscle damage too. Good luck with the flight
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Rest is the only cure for painful hips that have just suffered a (sub)luxation. I started using a wheelchair outdoors because my hips kept subluxating so much I was in constant pain. Now that I do, and I don't walk stairs anymore, my hips feel much better. They still slip whenever I do 'stupid' stuff like putting all my weight on one leg without thinking about it, crossing my legs with a big swing when I sit in a chair, kick the blanket into place while in bed and other things I know I shouldn't do. Still it is A LOT better than before when I would hurt my hip at least several times a day. OK, I need the wheelchair to get out, but I can tell you, I didn't feel much like going outside anymore anyway with the constant risk of (sub)luxating.
I am not telling you to get yourself a wheelchair. that's the end of the road. I don't know how bad your hip is or how often you subluxate or dislocate. I do know that once you have fully ruined your hips there is no way back. It cannot even be braced properly if you are hypermobile because the brace will eventually ruin your pelvis and the other hip. You have only got one pair of hips and they are major joints. We are not talking about a dislocating little finger or something here. You need to keep your hips in the best possible condition. Every time you subluxate or dislocate the hip will get worse, no matter how well you allow it to heal.
So I advise you not to speed things up. Take all the time your body needs to heal, if the doc says it's a month, it IS a month. Seat yourself in an angle your hips allow. Move around very carefully. You might want to keep using your hip a little, but just a little at first. Pain is a very good indication of what you should and should not do. I know I probably sound like your mother or like some strict doc. I am sorry, but a diclocating hip is not something to take lightly. If possible you could think about cancelling/moving the appointment in Sydney.
Hope you will heal as soon as possible!