Triptafen and pain relief

Hypermobility Forum for people with Marfan, EDS: Pain medications: Triptafen and pain relief
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Claire on Monday, September 11, 2000 - 05:54 pm:

Has anyone else been prescribed Triptafen? It has worked wonders for me!!

I was at my wits end after being in terrible pain for nearly two years, it had got so bad, I ended up in a wheel chair on holiday this year in February, in too much pain to walk. My arms and hands had become so weak, and I was in so much pain, I couldn't write. After being pushed back and forth between doctors, orthopedic surgeons etc. and being made to feel like it was all in my head, (like so many with this condition), I was finally diagnosed with HMS by Professor Grahame, via The Performing Arts Medicine Trust, London. It was such a relief to put a name to the condition, but I was still in terrible pain!

Eventually I was refered to a Pain Clinic, and put on Triptafen. I was very reluctant to take this as it is an anti-depressant, and as I told the specialist, I was very low because of the pain, and lack of sleep I got because of it, but not overall depressed, but he insisted they get good results with pain relief from anti-depessants in small doses, something to do with them calming the nerve endings down. At this point I was willing to try anything as I had taken just about every pain killer and anti-inflamatory available and they didn't touch the pain, or help me sleep. At first I was so drowsy I could hardly function, and then so incredibly thirsty, which was really hard, as I'm a professional singer, but eventually (after about 6 weeks) the side effects wore off.

I take one tablet every night, and I now sleep every night!! I have recently joined a gym, to try and get some muscle tone back, as I know it helps to support the joints, I have to be very careful, but I can't believe I'm actually able to do normal things again. Please don't get me wrong, Triptfen is no miracle cure, I am still in pain, every day, it hurts as I type this, and when I finish I will get out my trusty 'Deep Relief' gel!! But I now feel that I have control of this pain and this condition, it no longer controls me. It is still a battle, every day, but I'm winning!!

I would be interested to hear people's comments on Triptafen, positive and negative.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Mary on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 08:11 am:

I am in so much pain that it actually takes my
breath way It also makes me fell so tired.
I have been going to doctors for years and they
dont seem to say anything about it I dont know what to do.

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