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I was wondering if there are any other options to help me prevent shoulder (sub)luxations which i can try. At the moment my schoulders lux and sublux at the most silly moments. The simplest stuff like taking off a sweater results in a lux and moving around the room like a mad chicken to try and put the shoulder back in place (very difficult when your arms are locked in there place due to the sweater, wouldn't recommend it ;-) ).
I'm allready trying to build up my musclestrength by exercisetherapy, but that seems to only make things worse. Some of the muscles have become to strong because of these therapies (started after 2 treatments allready!), which results in my muscles actually causing (sub)luxes by pushing the shoulder totally out of line.
Also only strengthening the muscles won't do it in the long run for me, as I will have to take Prednison for weeks or months at a time, at least once a year. The Prednison causes muscleweakness for me, to the extend of even te muscles which are to strong to become too weak to prevent (sub)luxes.
The last months due to a combination of part to strong muscles, prednison-use and just the flexibility of my shoulders (rheumatologist said she'd never seen someone before with this much movement?), it's gotten out of hand. I'm more (sub)luxed then I am in line, and the pain isn't a pleasure also.
Are there any other stuff i can try? Prolo isn't available in the Netherlands, so that's no option. I'm gonna have a chat about it with my rheumatologist off course, but can't get an earlier appointment as february, and she allready told me she doesn't have practice-knowledge of other treatment as pain-medication, physical therapy, bracing and exercies, and that she'd have to look it up in the medbooks.